Quality Management and Food Safety

  • Duration :20 hours
  • Earliest date course: 5-2024
  • Fees :120$
  • Available : online & in center

Related courses Management and education courses

Maysa Shams Al Din

For people who are interested in fitness: and who seek better knowledge on how to improve their lifestyle and overall health through proper nutrition.

Students and those interested in the field of nutrition and health: who want to work in the field of health and nutrition, and want to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to help individuals achieve their health goals.

Introduction to the food safety and quality management system
2- Food-borne diseases
3- Personal hygiene
4- Proper handling of food
5- Accidental pollution
6- Food safety inspection form

The student receives an approved certificate from Apex Center
International Certificate from the American Canadian Board of Training
Professional at extra cost

Course date : 8-3-2024

Course duration: 25 training hours

The cost of the course is 125$