English language

- Trainer
- Target Group
- Course topics
- Cours Certificate
- Course Details
Mr. Ahmed Hamdar
Students in schools and universities: who have started English as a second or foreign language as part of their curriculum.
Residents and refugees: who live in an English-speaking country and want to learn the English language and become part of the community and depend on job opportunities.
Professionals working in international companies: who leverage their English language skills to communicate with executive co-workers
Introducing the basic rules of the English language such as verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs.
Explaining basic sentence structures such as nominal, verbal, and adjective sentences.
Focus on developing the four skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking.
Providing interactive activities to improve each skill separately and apply them in real contexts.
Accredited certification by Apex Center for training
International Certification from the American Canadian Board (ACPB)
Course starts: February 21
Course hours: online
Course fees: 350 thousand Lebanese pounds, 75$US dollars outside Lebanon
Course duration: 20 training hours
Recorded lectures